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A Haredi High School Yeshiva is a yeshiva where sacred studies are taught at a very high level.
Similar to excellent yeshivot ketanot. In addition, they offer general studies toward obtaining a matriculation diploma.
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There is already a growing variety of Haredi High school yeshivas. Various institutions that provide educational solutions for boys of religious background and diverse skills. All at a broad geographical distribution.
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There are many, mainly the combination of excellence in Torah and general studies, a sensitive, talented and certified educational staff and a rich social atmosphere.
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A great deal of attention is dedicated to this issue. The Haredi high school yeshivas are well prepared to close the general studies gaps. There are various tools and solutions enabling intensive learning in the summer and “Bein HaZmanim”, at an individual pace tailored to the student.
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Parental payments to Haredi high school yeshivas have gone down over the years. Tuition today is not significantly higher than tuition at yeshivot ketanot (in some cases, it’s even lower). Furthermore, a new scholarship program is now available.

In its current configuration, “HaYeshuv HaHadash” Yeshiva is the first Haredi high school yeshiva in Israel, founded in Tel Aviv in 5696. Before then, many important yeshivas operated similarly in the diaspora. The most famous are: The Kelm Yeshiva (founded by the Elder of Kelm of blessed memory) and yeshivas in Warsaw, Pressburg and several congregations in North America and Ashkenaz.

There are many yeshivas today that offer various solutions for students and families, applying several styles.
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There is a choice of yeshivas with and without boarding options, as well as yeshivas that combine the two.

Different great sages have various opinions on the issue of studying general studies during adolescence. It is important to know that many of the great sages permit or, in some cases, even require such studies for students who need them.
Many of the great sages, members of the Council of Great Torah Sages in Israel and the U.S. are themselves graduates of Haredi high school yeshivas. Every family should consult with its rabbis on the matter.

Visit the links page for information that the yeshivas post about themselves.
Also, you can contact our guidance center at Leshem.
